One of the main advantages of Mostbet is its generous bonus policy. More than 10 promotions are regularly available for loyal customers. After registering, new users have the opportunity to receive a Mostbet bonus for the first deposit of up to 25,000 BDT, as well as free spins and other no-deposit rewards. Let’s explore the promotions available for users in Bangladesh.
Bonus Selection at Mostbet
Mostbet offers promotions for both sports betting and casino games. The available rewards include various types: free bets, free spins, cash prizes, enhanced odds, etc.
First Deposit Bonus | Get up to 125% on your first deposit, but not more than 25,000 BDT. Additionally, receive 250 FS for the casino when depositing 1,000 BDT or more. |
No Deposit Bonuses | Receive 5 free bets after registration for the Aviator game when choosing the welcome bonus for sports betting, or 30 FS when selecting the casino bonus. |
Casino Cashback | Weekly cashback of up to 10% of the total amount lost during the week, but no more than 15,000 BDT. |
Loyalty Program | Separate 10-level loyalty programs are available for sports betting and casino games. Users receive unique rewards, cashback, the right to participate in exclusive promotions, and other prizes. Loyalty points are also accumulated and can be exchanged for cash prizes. The higher the client’s status, the better the exchange rate. |
Friday Deposit Bonus | Get +100% on your first deposit on Friday. The reward cannot exceed 4,000 BDT. |
Accumulator Bet Bonus | For 4 or more events in a coupon with odds of 1.20 or higher, an additional multiplier is applied to the winnings. The maximum reward is 20%. |
Birthday Gifts | Users who have been registered for more than 30 days and have placed bets on sports and casino games in the last month totaling at least 1,000 BDT are eligible to participate in the birthday promotion. Bonuses are awarded individually at the discretion of the Mostbet administration. |
Affiliate Program | Mostbet offers a bonus of up to 15% of the total bets placed by users who registered via your referral link. |
Mostbet Deposit Bonus
New clients can choose between a Mostbet casino bonus and a sports betting bonus. Only one offer can be selected. Activating one promotion cancels the possibility of participating in the other.
To receive the bonus, you need to make your first deposit within 7 days of creating your account. After that, 100% of the deposited amount will be credited to your account.
There is also an option to receive an increased bonus of up to 125% on the deposit. To activate this offer, you must top up your account within 30 minutes of registration. The cash reward is the same for both sports betting and casino games. However, if you choose the casino bonus, you can also receive 250 FS for playing slots if your first deposit is 1,000 BDT or more.
Welcome Bonus up to 25,000 BDT for Sports Betting and Casino
The Mostbet sign up bonus for sports betting is credited to the bonus account. To transfer these funds to your gaming wallet, the bonus must be wagered under the following conditions:
- Wagering requirement: x5;
- Time limit: 30 days;
- Qualifying bets: Accumulator bets only;
The coupon must include at least three events with odds of 1.40 or higher.
After meeting the conditions, the remaining balance in the bonus account is transferred to the gaming wallet. These funds will be available for withdrawal or for further betting at Mostbet.
For casino players, the same cash reward is offered. To withdraw the casino bonus, it must be wagered within 72 hours with a wagering requirement of x60. Bets on slots contribute fully towards the wagering requirement. Additionally, 10% of the bet amount in the TV Games and Virtual Sports categories count toward the wagering requirement.
Unlike the sports bonus, the casino promotion offers an additional 250 FS for a first deposit of 1,000 BDT or more. The free spins are credited in equal parts over 5 days, with 50 FS each day. Winnings from free spins must be wagered within 24 hours. The maximum amount of winnings cannot exceed 10,000 BDT.
How to Activate the Bonus
Mostbet bonus use requires the bonus activation. Here’s how:
- Visit the Mostbet website or app.
- Click “Sign Up.”
- Fill out the registration form.
- At the bottom of the form, select the type of promotion (for the casino or sports betting).
- Confirm your registration.
- Make your first deposit after registration, or log in at a convenient time and top up your account within 7 days of creating your account.
Loyalty Program
In addition to the welcome bonuses, Mostbet offers promotions for regular customers. One of these is the loyalty program. There are separate offers for casino and sports betting, each with 10 levels.
By participating in the loyalty program, users can earn free bets, free spins, passes for exclusive promotions, and other unique prizes. Additionally, customers receive bonus points (Mostbet Coins) for placing bets, making deposits, completing tasks, and other activities. These points can be exchanged for cash, which will be credited to the gaming wallet after wagering. The higher the client’s rank in the loyalty program, the more favorable the exchange rate.
Can I use both the sports betting and casino welcome bonuses at Mostbet simultaneously?
No, you must choose only one promotion during registration.
What is the maximum deposit bonus for new Mostbet users?
The maximum deposit bonus is 25,000 BDT.
Are there deposit bonuses for regular Mostbet users?
Yes, a +100% deposit bonus is offered on the first deposit made on Fridays, but it doesn’t exceed 4,000 BDT.
At what age can I register at Mostbet BD?
Mostbet Bangladesh clients must be at least 18 years old.